Sunday, April 26, 2009

Playing Catch-up

It's been a while since I have updated anyone so, here's the run down
Cody went to sick bay and was given Mucinex, cough drops, and Tylenol. When he called the next Sunday, he had completely lost his voice. All he could do is whisper so, that conversation was a little hard. He had coughed so much during the nights that he was wiped out. The next Sunday when he called, the voice was better. Just sounded gruff. But, as we Moms do, I could tell he was still weak and not completely well. Although he said he was ok.
He missed the grenade throwing which was a little dissappointing to him but is due to make that up before graduation. He really was looking forward to that being a pitcher/center fielder in high school! They have gone on several overnight camps and I believe that Cody felt like he was back home being able to be in the woods and all. Last weekend, he talked about fighting. There were organized fights where he said that he was fighting a guy from another platoon and this other guy did not score any points against Cody but in the end, they were "locked up" (whatever that means) and the drill sargent (who was over the platoon the guy he was fighting) called the other guy the winner. As those of you that know Cody, He was mad. HE was the one that scored the most points. I just told him that life was not always fair and for him to do the best he can and go on. He fought again the next day and the fight was called due to Cody bleeding too much. The other guy had left a pen in his pocket and it cut Cody on the temple area. The blood flows pretty heavy from this area and he said that it was running down his chin but, due to 'safety' precautions, the fight had to be ended. With all the bloodwork they did on each soldier before they start, you would thing they would know if someone has a potential lifethreatening disease.
I got his pictures in the mail this week and I am so proud of my soldier! Gonna post that picture real soon. Arevelo left last week and is not with his family in Washington State. I hated that he couldn't finish out the training but, that's the Army way. Cody has written me about several people he has met while in Oklahoma and these people will always remain with Cody. Some good and some bad.
This was just a short rundown of the past couple weeks. I am waiting on my weekly call now so, I'll post more later on today.

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