Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2 more weeks...Hooah!!

Today marks the 2 weeks left mark! I'm so pumped about making the trip to Oklahoma. I've reserved the hotel, reserved the rental car (since mine has died), and just sitting back waiting to see my soldier. We're hoping Mallary and Shelby both get to go with us. All three kids seem to really want to see each other and miss each other. Ten years ago, I never would have thought this would happen. I truly thought they hated each other the way they fought. Go figure...they have grown up.Since Mallary and Shelby have not been apart, they still act like they can't stand each other. The ride will be interesting since they are rarely ever in the same room together without major cutdowns going on. But, I'm planning on stocking up on benadryl for Mallary and knocking her out the entire trip!! Between that and her downing Pepto Bismal, she should be rather quite. I hope!! So, please pray that we can avoid a fighting match being cooped up in a vehicle for such a long time.
Cody called on Sunday and didn't really have much to say. He talked about his week and the training that was done. He really loved the machine guns! Man I'm sure he had a ball!! You know how these guys from the South love their guns. He has teamed with another soldier and they are doing extra physical activity just to get a leg up. They are doing the required PE for Airborne school whereas when you leave or come in the bay, you have to do 25 pushups. They are doing 25 pushups when they leave and 25 situps when they come in. So now, he can bust out 50 situps without breaking a sweat. I've been sending cough drops and candy and he actually sold some of the fun size butterfingers making $25 off a small bag! What an businessman!! He asked me to send a 'bunch of junk' last week. I packed a box with soft drinks, chips, chips ahoy, oreos, snickers, m & m's, butterfingers, etc. for him to share with the platoon. Several of them have been getting 'care packages' and share with each other so, the drill sargents are letting them have the stuff. I guess the low stress cycle has it's advantages.
When we go out for graduation, we will have one day for family day and the next day will be graduation. Cody will then leave about 2 hours after on a bus to San Antonio (for 4 months...I try not to think about that though). I am now worrying about him going down there because of the Swine Flu. Guess mama's have to have something to worry about!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Playing Catch-up

It's been a while since I have updated anyone so, here's the run down
Cody went to sick bay and was given Mucinex, cough drops, and Tylenol. When he called the next Sunday, he had completely lost his voice. All he could do is whisper so, that conversation was a little hard. He had coughed so much during the nights that he was wiped out. The next Sunday when he called, the voice was better. Just sounded gruff. But, as we Moms do, I could tell he was still weak and not completely well. Although he said he was ok.
He missed the grenade throwing which was a little dissappointing to him but is due to make that up before graduation. He really was looking forward to that being a pitcher/center fielder in high school! They have gone on several overnight camps and I believe that Cody felt like he was back home being able to be in the woods and all. Last weekend, he talked about fighting. There were organized fights where he said that he was fighting a guy from another platoon and this other guy did not score any points against Cody but in the end, they were "locked up" (whatever that means) and the drill sargent (who was over the platoon the guy he was fighting) called the other guy the winner. As those of you that know Cody, He was mad. HE was the one that scored the most points. I just told him that life was not always fair and for him to do the best he can and go on. He fought again the next day and the fight was called due to Cody bleeding too much. The other guy had left a pen in his pocket and it cut Cody on the temple area. The blood flows pretty heavy from this area and he said that it was running down his chin but, due to 'safety' precautions, the fight had to be ended. With all the bloodwork they did on each soldier before they start, you would thing they would know if someone has a potential lifethreatening disease.
I got his pictures in the mail this week and I am so proud of my soldier! Gonna post that picture real soon. Arevelo left last week and is not with his family in Washington State. I hated that he couldn't finish out the training but, that's the Army way. Cody has written me about several people he has met while in Oklahoma and these people will always remain with Cody. Some good and some bad.
This was just a short rundown of the past couple weeks. I am waiting on my weekly call now so, I'll post more later on today.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tending to the sick

As you may already know, Cody called Sunday and sounded awful. He had been sick since Thursday and was running a fever. Said that he was burning up and felt worse. He was coughing and couldn't talk. For him to want to go to sick call told me just how bad it had to be. That broke me down for the second time. I think I've done pretty good with him gone. But, just knowing your child is sick and needs TLC, absolutely breaks a mama's heart. I can just see him sitting there with those cheeks red like they get when he's hot and tired or running a fever. I have always been in a position to meet all their needs. Working in a clinic when they were young always gave me the advantage to catch any sickness early and head it off before they really got bad. Now, all I can do is sit back and pray that he gets the care he needs and recovers on his own. As Tommy keeps telling me, "he's a man now and you have to let him go". Easier said than done.
I got a text this afternoon telling me that he had waiting all day at sick call (kinda like a free clinic going in and sitting ALL DAY before being seen). He was given the generic cold remedy in Basic...Tylenol, Mucinex, and Cough drops. At least he got that. Before, he could only have Hall's Defense Vitamin C drops. But, Mama took care of that...enough said on that part. Haha...I'll have to tell that story off the internet! Let's just say, I can be crafty when I need to.
Hopefully, Cody will be able to make up today's activity. He was supposed to start learning about grenades and he was excited about that. Thinks that he will do great throwing them being an ex-pitcher/center fielder. Thanks to Arevalo (Washington State), I was able to communicate this afternoon. Arevalo is waiting to be sent home so he doesn't have to live by the same rules right now. He is still Cody's bunkmate but doesn't have to go to marches and the other activities unless he wants to. He also gets to have his cell phone with him. Thankfully, he let Cody get a few messages out so I wouldn't have to worry until the next phone dispursement. As I hear more, I will update. Later....

Friday, April 3, 2009

"Ain't nothin like bein tough"

Tommy got a letter from Cody today that really showed the maturity that has transpired since Cody left. It left both of us speechless. Tommy's comment was 'Boy, I never thought I would be thanked for spanking them'. This letter touched us both in such a way that I have to share it...sorry Cody.

Sometimes I overlook all the things you have taught me. Things like Respect, Loyalty, Responsibility, Determination. You taught me how to push through when something gets too hard. And my favorite one, "Ain't nothin like bein tough". Pretty much everything they are teachin us here. While everyone else is struggling through the work I just suck it up and drive on. When someone is telling us what we need to do everyone else fights back and complains. I just do what I need to. It's almost like Basic Training teaches what most parents fail to teach. I'm glad I learned it from you and Mama. I see the lack of respect that others show and I'm glad I'm not like that. If anyone needs proof that whipping your kids makes them better adults, they can just look at us. I know that no situation can get the better of me because of the values you taught me. Just wanted to let you know that your hard work didn't go to waste. And no matter what I do I will always try my hardest to make you proud. Love Cody

He called Tuesday and again Thursday. He did his final Basic Rifle Marksmanship test and the day was extremely windy with 45-50 mile an hour winds. He got 34 out of 40 which ranked him as a sharp shooter. Too bad the wind was so high cause I feel sure he would have done better. Course, I'm sorta biased. The winds have been a pain with major dirt storms. He said that some of the meals were literally covered with dirt and their faces were almost black from it. He is ready to leave Oklahoma and return to land with some trees. The flat plains are not something that Cody wants to remain on. I do believe he sorta misses Mississippi. Can you believe that?? His platoon ranked first in this BMR exercise. There were 31 out of 60 that passed and the ones that did not were going to get a second chance and if they didn't pass it, they would be recycled. Or, start over. Thank God that Cody passed!!
On another note, Washington State is returning home on Saturday. I wish he would get to remain and be able to finish the Basic Training at least but, the Army makes the decisions. So, whatever you do in your past, it will always come back to bite you in the butt...Just have to make amends and go on. But, Cody has made friends with several others and seems upbeat about the rest of the time left. We are looking forward to going out in May. It seems like it's been forever since I've wrapped my arms around my little boy and now I'll be wrapping them around a man. So, I guess I have to let them grow up sometime...Those of you that have little ones, cherish each day as if it's the last because the time sure goes fast. But, no matter how they mature, when they say (or text) those four words...I love you just makes your heart swell.
Till next time....